Aviko the foodservice partner for potato products in Bahrain
With a variety of potatoes Aviko have developed a wide range of potato products and solutions for you, to help you serve your customers.
Aviko brings joy to tables all around the world
Thanks to our wide range of potatoes, the wishes of every guest can be fulfilled. Aviko products save time in the kitchen, optimize your processes and are authentic in taste & presentation. We are happy to support and inspire you to get the most out of your business.
We bring joy to tables all over the world
Aviko is dedicated to ensuring people all over the world enjoy the finest chips, fries, and plant-based appetizers.
How can we help you?
Get in contact
Aviko’s distribution partner in Bahrain
NASS FOODS [A Branch of Nass Corporation B.S.C] Building 118, Road 3502, Block 635, P. O. Box 669, Ma’ameer, Kingdom of Bahrain |
Contact Telephone: +973 17703101. Contact Person: Mr. Sunil Nair – General Manager Contact Email ID: info@nassfoods.com |